Searching for the perfect RV can be a real head spin. There are so many brands, models, features, and floorplans out there. Maybe you’re considering buying a used RV, like a funky vintage remodeled trailer. Or maybe you’ve got your eye on a limited-edition coach, with fancy first-of-its-kind features.
Before you go splurging on these unique trailers, consider the perks of an exclusive brand.
“What is an exclusive brand?” You ask. Ian Baker gives a full rundown on exclusive brand RV’s, along with the unsung perks, in this short 4-minute video.
Reference our quick Q&A below, a guide to exclusive brand RV’s. Leave your questions in the comments and tell us why you chose the RV brand you did.

What Is an Exclusive Brand RV?
Exclusive brands are just that, “exclusive,” to a single dealership network. Camping World partners with brands like Coleman and Thor to craft RV’s sold only at Camping World dealerships. These manufacturers are chosen for their attention to quality, craftsmanship, and innovation.
Why Buy an Exclusive Brand RV?
The advantages of buying exclusive brands boil down to a simple microeconomics principle—economies of scale.
The Perks of Economies of Scale
Supply and Demand
Put simply, economies of scale is the cost advantage of producing a streamlined product on a large scale. With Camping World’s 150 dealership locations and an ever-increasing demand for RV’s, Camping World can work with exclusive partners to produce more RV’s at a better price for you—the customer.
Efficient and Consistent Quality
You might think that mass-produced goods. suffer in quality, but in fact, the opposite is true. Builders and workers putting together RV’s become experts with time and repetition, increasing their efficiency and reducing human error. This effect produces a better, more reliable RV.
Same Build Materials, Better Price
Producing RV’s at scale also means manufacturers can put in bigger bulk orders for supplies, getting the same high-quality materials at a cheaper price. These savings then get passed on to the consumer.
Commonality of Parts
You will really feel the benefit of an exclusive brand RV when it comes time for service or repair. Because Camping World partners with these exclusive brands, they keep parts on hand to repair their exclusive brand trailers, fifth-wheels, and motorhomes.
With vintage trailers, homemade rigs, or off-brand RV’s, simple repairs can quickly become a huge headache as you wait weeks for a special part to arrive. I encountered this issue myself when searching for replacement parts for my 1965 Airstream trailer. Though I eventually found the parts, it was certainly not a quick or affordable fix. I wish someone had told me about the extra hidden costs in maintaining a unique, off-brand rig.
Because exclusive brand RVs are manufactured at scale, the commonality of parts makes routine service and repairs easier to do at any Camping World or Gander RV.
If you are looking for an even mix of value and build quality while you shop within a budget, you might want to consider an exclusive brand. Explore some of Camping World’s exclusive brand RVs below.