[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This Philly Grilled Cheese recipe is the best blend of savory, cheesy goodness. Keith Sims, former NFL footballer and proud dad of The Soulful RV family, concocted this lunch recipe for The Great American Cookoff.
- Brentwood deep fryer
- Blackstone flat top griddle
- Country Smokers Portable Wood Pellet Grill
- Robert Irvine – BBQ tool set
- Mixing bowl set

Ingredients for Philly Grilled Cheese:
- Grass fed Organic Steak
- Organic Peppers – red, yellow, orange
- Sourdough bread
- 3 Organic cheeses – cheddar, smoky black pepper cheddar, provolone
- Onions – hand deep fried onion rings
- Grass fed Butter
- Garlic salt
- Organic Eggs
- Bread crumbs – Panko
- Kosher Salt and pepper
- Flour
- Various Seasonings – paprika, herbs and garlic, poultry seasoning

Instructions for Philly Grilled Cheese:
- Prepare steak by seasoning with salt and pepper. Put the in the fridge overnight. When ready to cook, Smoke/grill steak to medium rare using Country Smoker and meat thermometer and set aside.
- Slice onions and peppers
- Sautéed peppers & some onions in butter and the seasoning of your choice. Set aside. Slice onions to desired thickness for onion rings.
- Mix eggs, milk and whisk completely. In large bowl mix flour, panko bread crumbs, and your seasonings.
- Dip onions in egg mixture completely coating it. Then dip it in the flour mixture, and then deep fry for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Removed from oil and place on cooling rack.
- Set Blackstone to desire temp (medium high). Spray a little olive oil.
- Assemble sandwich – Butter two sides of the sourdough bread. Place one slice butter side down on griddle. Add one slice of provolone cheese. Add steak. Place grilled peppers and onions. Layer by alternating the cheddar and black pepper cheddar. Top with second piece of bread. Letcook for 1-2 ,minutes then carefully flip the sandwich over.
- Grill for an additional 1-2 minutes. You can press the sandwich down to help with cooking. Once your sure all the cheese is melted, removed the sandwich and plate it.

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Brentwood Deep Fryer
[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Robert Irvine BBQ Tool Set” txt_align=”center” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Buy” btn_color=”primary” btn_align=”center” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.campingworld.com%2Frobert-irvine-5-piece-bbq-tools-set-regular-size-123366.html|title:Buy|target:_blank”]
Robert Irvine BBQ Tool Set
[/vc_cta][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_cta h2=”Blackstone Griddle” txt_align=”center” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Buy” btn_color=”blue” btn_align=”center” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.campingworld.com%2Fblackstone-22-griddle—627624.html%23q%3DBlackstone%252Bflat%252Btop%26lang%3Ddefault%26start%3D2%26cgid%3Doutside-rv%252Fgrills-picnic%252Fgrills%252Fgas-grills|title:Buy|target:_blank”]
Blackstone Griddle
[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Country Smokers Wood Pellet Grill” txt_align=”center” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Buy” btn_color=”blue” btn_align=”center” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.campingworld.com%2Fcountry-smokers-traveler-portable-wood-pellet-grill-721976.html%23q%3Dcountry%252Bsmokers%26lang%3Ddefault%26start%3D3%26cgid%3Doutside-rv%252Fgrills-picnic%252Fgrills%252Felectric-grills|title:Buy|target:_blank”]
Country Smokers Wood Pellet Grill